So apparently when I cop puts his lights on that means you are supposed to pull over. I had to learn that the hard way this afternoon. It was 11:55am. Five minutes until the Sparks basketball game started. Yes, I am the head coach for 11th grade girls in a recreational league. I was running late because I was coming from McLean Bible where I was having my third grade girls make VIP badges for friends/family members that read, "You're a VIP to me because you're a VIP to God".
As I left the McLean Bible parking lot, I asked my oh-so-wise iphone to calculate the shortest route to Westfield High School because I didn't trust my instinct to just take 66 to Ballston then head up George Mason (DOH!). The iphone made me do it! (I wish I had told that to the cop). I ended up staying on route 7 for about 5 miles and focusing on how I was going to apologize to the girls for being late. (Note: my biggest pet peeve is being late.) Less than a mile before I was about to turn, I noticed there was a police car behind me. Long story short, I ended up pulling over after realizing he was trying to get my attention. "Ma'am you were driving 51 in a 25. License and registration now! “. WHOOPS! Unfortunately I didn't have time to explain because I was concerned the game would be canceled if I didn't show up within 10 minutes of the start, so I just kept my mouth shut and didn't try to play the cute/innocent/ignorant/don't write me a ticket or I'm going to cry move.
I was given a ticket and told I could either pay the ticket or show up to court on March 11th, and try and 'make a case'. I am planning on going to court on March 11th to explain to the judge that 1.) Didn’t realize the street randomly changed from 45-50ish to 25 (ignorant) 2.) Was going down a hill (innocent) 3.) Was going from one volunteer activity to another. (sympathy for being a good Samaritan?)
In essence, the young cop showed justice, and I'm hoping the judge will show mercy. But want to know what is really cool? God grants us grace.. let me explain but first provide quick definitions that came from an amazing sermon by Todd Philips.
Justice- Getting what you DO deserve
You break the law (speed), you suffer the consequence ($200 because it was residential + $7 for every mile over the speed limit.
Mercy- NOT getting what you deserve
I deserve to pay the $382 fine, but am hoping the judge will not make me pay any money for my breaking the law.
Grace- Getting what you DON'T deserve
I don't have to pay the $382 fine, and instead the judge gives me $100!
Now, I certainly didn't do anything to earn the $100. In fact, I certainly don't deserve $100 for breaking the law. It was a free gift from the judge. This idea of grace is exactly what the God of this universe offers us! So imagine you die and are suddenly in front of God, the ultimate Judge. He examines your life, all the good and bad. The truth of the matter is just ONE sin separates us from God. James 2:10 tells us: "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all." We are a fallen people, we all deserve to be eternally separated from God, that would be showing us justice. BUT BUT BUT , instead of making us pay the penalty for our crime, because of His love for us (John 3:16), God took on human form and died in our place, taking the punishment that we deserve (Romans 5:8; 2 Corinthians 5:21). AND...In addition… God offers us the free gift of eternal life in heaven to all who accept that Jesus as savior (John 1:12; 3:16; 5:24; Acts 16:31).
It would be like me going to court, and the judge saying "Okay Chessy... this man named Jesus came here and said he is willing to pay your $382 fine, so you're off the hook. Oh and by the way, he wanted to give you $100 also". Not only has Jesus taken on our punishment, but he also offers us a free gift... eternal life! You can't earn salvation. You don't deserve salvation. Salvation is a free gift from God because He is a loving and unconditional God. All you have to do is trust in your heart that Jesus is your savior.
For further reading, please check out ‘Is there life after death?
Oh and if you were wondering, the Sparks won! Holla!
good words. good words =)