Keep in mind, both men are quality and both have proven on numerous occasions that they will do ANYTHING to protect Belle and keep her safe. Their love for her is legit no doubt... So it's a tough call.. it's not a simple black and white decision.. it's more grey...So we must boil it down to the nitty-gritty...what is more important at the end of the day? Could you deal with a man who is wearing jorts all the time in return for having a warm body that will prevent you from getting hypothermia? Or could you forgoe being able to hang out/frolic in the sun if in return you could have endless quality time with your man? I JUST DON'T KNOW!!!! Now, let's say you are faced with another decision in which someone has professed His love for you and you must choose whether you want to get this relationship going, or whether you want to just end things before they begin. I'm talking about a relationship with God ya'll. Let's real quick do a comparison showing the side effects associated with each option.
So without God you can maintain your pride...i.e. the love of your own excellence. Without God you can say: "I'm in control of my life". " I accomplished x". " I was able to do y all on my own". "I am highly intelligent and can figure out everything." I am strong on my own and don't need help". For some people, that has a ton of weight. If you don't think you value pride, think of the last time you refused to admit to someone that they were right and you were wrong, when it was painfully obvious to everyone involved how dead wrong you were.
But with God, what do we get? Everything! Okay, well maybe we don't get the promise of health, wealth, and prosperity (note: we don't get this promise with Team No God either)... but who cares! Will you still need wealth if you can have joy regardless of your circumstances? (Because ultimately isn't happiness the only reason we strive for wealth to begin with?) And yes it would nice to always be in top-health and never have to face bad times, but the reality is that ALL people suffer, whether Christian or not... So wouldn't it be nice if we were able to have supernatural strength during these trials to make them more manageable? And yes, it would be nice to be successful and prosper, but if we don't, wouldn't it be nice knowing that we constantly have peace from the Holy Spirit that dwells inside every believer?
So what's it going to be.. Edward or Jacob? God or no God? Over the next few posts, I'm going to try and address each SIDE EFFECT for Team God and hopefully by the end the decision for God or not for God will be much easier than the decision for Ed v Jake.
my favorite line (aside from the gospel presentation of course!) was the pro that "He can live in Forks indefinitely" haha