There was a period of time when I honest to goodness thought that Cadbury Cream Eggs were real eggs covered in chocolate. I remember seeing the commercials as a wee lil one. A bunny appeared on screen with a basket of Cadbury Cream Eggs, clucking like a chicken. Clearly, Schweppes couldn’t afford to buy lots of air-time for the commercial, so they had to get the message across quickly, using subtle hints. I remember feeling like a total Gumshoe when I put the puzzle together and realized that Schweppes was just tricking kids into eating eggs, GROSS. I decided to stay far away from said wolf in sheep’s clothing. I didn’t learn the actual truth until I witnessed someone on my school bus eat a Cadbury Cream Egg. I remember being surprised that there was no lingering rotten egg smell on the bus, and the person didn’t keel over from salmonella poisoning. BTW, I was in high school at the time. Have you ever been in a similar situation where you thought you knew exactly what something was, and based on what you thought was the truth, you rejected it, called it sick nasty, and stayed away completely? Believe it or not, there was actually a period of time when I also had a misconception of Christianity. I thought I knew the truth, decided I didn’t like it, and stayed away. Then, one day the Truth was revealed to me. Perhaps the biggest misconception I previously had was that Christianity was similar to all other religions in that there was some formula an individual could follow (i.e. doing good works) to get to heaven. OOPS! Christianity is DISTINCT from all other religions in that it is the only religion in which an individual can’t get to heaven by his own works, but instead can get there by the work already done by God (Jesus). This past Sunday, Todd Philips, the pastor of Frontline, did a phenomenal job of touching on said Truth in a sermon that is part of a series that will cover the three days of Jesus's death/resurrection. Real quick, let's take a look at the day of Jesus's death (on a Friday). Details are below:
“From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land. ..... And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom… The earth shook and the rocks split….When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, "Surely he was the Son of God!"” (Matthew 27: 45,50-51,54)Our focus will be on what happened immediately after Jesus died. You’ll notice that the curtain of the temple or veil ripped from top to bottom. Before we proceed, we must first remember that the Temple was the centerpiece of Jewish religious life. It was the place where animal sacrifices were made daily to atone for sins, and also the place where God resided. God’s physical presence resided in a room known as the Holy of Holies. No one was allowed to enter this room. There was a curtain/veil in front of the Holy of Holies that physically separated people from the presence of God. (This served to remind people that man was separated from God by sin (Isaiah 59:1-2)). However, once a year ONLY, a high priest was allowed to enter the Holy of Holies to offer the sin offering (Hebrews 9:7, Leviticus 16:11). So there was a massively impenetrable curtain (6 stories high, 4 inches thick, intricately woven), yet the moment Jesus died, it tore in half from top to bottom. This action explains the fundamental Truths about Christianity which the chart below summarizes.
The veil was torn and now through Jesus we can no longer be separated from God, but can have a relationship with God that is real and personal. Ya’ll, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us, do you see that? (Romans 5:8) It’s not from anything we did. It was all God’s work. That’s why Christians often refer to Christ’s work on the cross as a gift. It’s not something we deserve, we can’t earn it, we can’t pay for it. We simply accept it or reject it. If you profess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9).
Like what you read? If so, maybe you should come check out Frontline this Sunday at 5:30pm in person or online as my summary was nearly verbatim what was preached. The series continues over the next two weeks. This Sunday will be talking about the 2nd day, (Saturday, which was the Passover), and next Sunday will be talking about the 3rd and final day, (the Ressurection). In the meantime, stay away from those dreadful Cadbury Cream Eggs.
chessy, your blog is always awesome, i think you should write a book (i will purchase it on kindle). i wanted to say i cannot stop laughing about your cadbury egg story. it reminds me of when i was younger and my grandma convinced me that the clapping of the live studio audience on wheel of fortune was the other people watching at home in their kitchens. so i would try to clap/yell really loud/strangely so other people at home could hear me. i think i was in middle school when my mom finally asked what i was doing. anyway off topic but good blog as always!!