If you haven't yet watched SNL clip "Brownie husband" take a minute to do so. Okay, so the harder you laughed means the more you can relate to it. True story. But on some level, whether married or still single, we can all relate. We all want to find a mate or have a spouse that will satisfy our every need, make us feel loved, tell us we look nice, always there for us, etc. Basically we want someone that will love us unconditionally. Someone who will still love us even when he sees our worst side of us, even when we are not wearing makeup, even when we do something that hurts him, and even when we ignore him as we are trying to meet our own selfish needs. Well, I hate to break it to you, but that will not be found in a boyfriend, husband, or brownie huband for that matter, even if the brownie husband is with nuts. (I'm not saying that I hate men and marriage is worthless, I actually enjoy men and support marriage. ) All I'm saying is that, yes God designed us to we desire, yearn for, and crave to be loved unconditionally, but he also designed the universe so that the only place where we can get this uncondtional love from is God himself through Jesus Christ. My good college friend, known to many as Anne Betts from CA, just forwarded me this wonderful letter that fits perfectly with the subject at hand. Read it. Print it out. Refer back to it when necessary. It's a keeper.
Title: A father's love letter by Tami Auda.
My Beloved Daughter, You are my joy and delight!1 I love you! You are my workmanship2, made in my image.3 I formed your body, soul, mind, spirit, personality, and talents in your mother’s womb.4 I even know how many hairs are on your head.5 I sculpted you from nothing into something.6 I ordained your days and wrote them in my book, even before you were born.7 I can’t stop thinking about you. I think about you more than the grains of the sand on the seashore.8 I know you inside and out, I even know what you are thinking. You’re never out of my sight. I know what you’re going to say before you speak. I am behind you, ahead of you, and my hand is gently upon you.9 It doesn’t matter where you go, whether as high as the heavens, or as deep as the earth goes, my Spirit and presence is there with you.10 Daughter, I chose you to be my own before the world was even made.11 I determined when and where you’d be born and live.12 I am your perfect father13 and I lavish my love upon you.14 I have much more for you than your earthly father.15 I only have good things and gifts for you.16 I will provide all you need.17 I have good plans and hopes for your future18 and I want to show you great and marvelous things.19 Trust in me and delight in me, and I will give you the desires of your heart.20 I can do anything! — far more than you can ever imagine or guess or ask in your wildest dreams!21
I hear you when you call out to me, and I will save you.22 I am your Father who comes alongside you and comforts you when you go through hard times.23 When you are brokenhearted, I’m right there.24 I will carry you in my bosom and hug you close to me.25 One day, I’ll wipe every tear from your eyes, and there won’t be any more pain.26 I’ll calm you with my love and sing to you joyfully.27 When you’re afraid or anxious, don’t panic! I’m with you! You don’t need to be afraid because I am your Father God. I’ll give you strength and I’ll help you. I’ll hold you steady, and keep a firm grip on you.28 Don’t be afraid — I have redeemed you. I have called you by name; you are mine! When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you. When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down. When you’re between a rock and a hard place, it won’t be a dead end — because I am God, your personal God.29 I personally created you for my glory.30 I am also your greatest encourager. I will give you confidence and put a fresh heart in you.31
I love you in the same way I love my son, Jesus.32 I have shown my great love for you through him.33 In fact, he is the exact representation of my essence and being.34 He came to earth to love you, not condemn you or point out all the wrong you’ve done.35 He personally became a human being, and entered the disordered mess of struggling humanity in order to set it right once and for all.36 He did that by dying on a cross, clearing away your sins, and reconciling you to me.37 This is the ultimate expression of my love for you.38 You can have a fresh start by being united with me — and being created new.39
I gave you my son, Jesus, as a gift.40 If you receive him, you receive me41 and nothing will ever separate us.42 There’s a big party in heaven when a life is rescued like this!43 Will you be my child, my daughter?44 I won’t disappoint you.45 I’ve always loved you, and will never stop loving you,46 for you are my special treasure.47