Today we are going to be detectives, so get your thinking caps on! Take a minute and skim over this article published on September 11, 2009 by People magazine. The link may be found here.
HOKAY! Now that you’ve read the article I have a question for you…. Is Gisele Bundchen pregnant, yes or no?! I know the question sounds ridiculous and the answer seems to be an obvious yes, but is the answer really that clear?! I mean sure, her husband Tom Brady says she is going to have a baby in December and that he will take her to Lamaze classes, but is that enough to believe that Gisele is pregnant? I mean after all no where in the article do we get a quote straight from the horse’s mouth (i.e. Gisele) that says “I am pregnant”, so are you sure of your answer? I mean if she personally wasn’t recorded as saying it then this article must be an absolute farce, right?! Okay, so maybe Gisele doesn’t literally say “I am pregnant” , but what if in the article Gisele was asked what her body’s status was and she said “ I’m preggers! Or she said “ I have a bun in the oven” … would those terms be good enough for you to believe that she was pregnant even though she never literally said the words “I am pregnant” ?! Or what if the article talked about how she was behaving in a way that only pregnant people behave and mentioned something along the lines of “Spotted. Gisele Bundchen outside a local Rite-Aid downing a Vitamin Water and popping pre-natal vitamins. She was later seen eating pickles and peanut butter before going into a hidden local OB/GYN in Greenwich Village." Would that be enough for you to believe she was pregnant? Or what if the article talked about how others were behaving in a way that would verify that at some point she did sayshe was pregnant. For example, what if the article talked about how the Patriot’s stadium had dedicated an “Expectant Mother “ parking spot for Gisele’s limo to use between now and December!? Then would you believe that Gisele in fact was pregnant?!
So now we have Gisele saying she is pregnant (just using more relevant terms other than "i'm pregnant), we have others confirming she is pregnant (Tom Brady), we have Gisele acting in ways only pregnant people would, and we have others acting in ways they would only if she had told them she was pregnant. So with all this surmounting evidence, would you believe that Gisele is in fact pregnant?! Well DUH! Of course any of those instances on it’s own would make it blatantly obvious that Gisele was pregnant. But I exaggerate my example to show a point that we don’t hold People Magazine the same strict standard we use to judge the Bible. We simply read the title of the article alone, make inferences, and are satisfied in concluding Gisele is pregnant without even reading the article. So if that’s how we operate, why then when we have all the same type of evidence as with the Gisele example, for something about Jesus, do we STILL challenge the Bible and say “Oh, well Jesus never actually said “I am God” so therefore He isn’t God. If He really was God, he would have at least said so”. Check out the table below to see how the ‘type of evidence’ we have is the same in both the Gisele and Jesus situation.
In case you’re wondering, the names Jesus used to describe himself as God are names that would have been immediately recognized by Jewish people as names used by someone who was claiming deity. The first “I AM” is how God referred to himself back in the day of Moses . “God said to Moses, "I am who I am . This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.' "’ (Exodus 3:14). The second name “Son of Man” is a reference to a prophecy in the OT, “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.” (Daniel 7:13-14). “Son of Man” was a Messianic title, and by Jesus calling himself this he was assigning this prophecy to himself and thus proclaiming to be the Messiah/God.
In conclusion the claim that because Jesus never literally said the words “I am God” doesn’t mean jack because our evidence is so much greater than that ! The only question that remains is do you believe the Bible is Truth? I know I do !