“ For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”
WOW. This is legit. There really are 2 groups of people. Those that think the message of Christianity is utter rubbish and foolishness, and those that think the message of Christianity is live saving. Which camp do you belong to? Do you truly believe there is a God, that he came to earth in the form of a man (Jesus), led a perfect life, was crucified on a cross to take on the punishment we deserve for our sins, and rose from the dead 3 days later so that we could be reconciled to God, forgiven, and granted eternal life? OR do you hold the complete opposite view, thinking the above claims are absolute garbage and a crutch that weak people use to deal with their pathetic life? If you still aren't certain, take a look at the 2 views from a more in-depth perspective:
I will live my life according to these beliefs.
God does NOT exist.
It’s just foolish to think that there is an all knowing God with a cosmic plan.
That an all powerful God brings purpose to the pain and suffering in the world is a comforting thought.
HOWEVER, it is only wishful thinking.
People can do as they please WITHOUT eternal consequences.
The idea that I am deserving of hell because of sin, IS A LIE meant to make me a slave to those in power.
“The more you have, the happier you’ll be.”
In a world with no God, there is freedom to be who I want to be.
But WITH God, life is an ENDLESS cycle of GUILT and SHAME.
WITHOUT God , everything is fine, It is RIDICULOUS to think I am lost and in need of saving.
*******Now, completely reverse this thinking, literally, and you have*******
I am LOST and in NEED of saving.
It is ridiculous to think, everything is fine.
WITHOUT God , Life is an endless cycle of guilt and shame.
But WITH God, there is FREEDOM to be who I want to be.
In a world with No God, our existence has no grand meaning or purpose.
“The more you have, the happier you’ll be”, IS A LIE meant to make me a slave to those in power.
Because of sin, I am DESERVING of hell.
The idea that people can do as they please WITHOUT eternal consequences is only WISHFUL thinking.
It Is comforting though, however ,that an ALL POWERFUL God brings PURPOSE to the PAIN and SUFFERING in the world, That there is an ALL KNOWING God with a cosmic PLAN.
It’s just foolish to think God does NOT exist.
I will live my life according to these beliefs.
EPILOGUE: The Reverse Thinking power featured above is courtesy of author David D. Dietrich. ( thank you Jayne for sending this to me :) ). Additionally, Jason, the owner of the VW with the sticker, was gracious enough to send me 10+ bumper stickers. If anyone would like one for their room, car, office desk, etc let me know and I'll be sure to get it to you! Finally, I asked some of the women in my Bible study and Kristen what kind of biblical bumper sticker they would have, if forced by gunpoint to sport one. They listed the following:
Wake up!
Romans 13:11
What is truth?
John 18:37
Keep on Keepin' on!
2 Cor 4:18
Awesome stuff Chessy! Way to lay it out there!! :) :)