The above represents my personal Venn Diagram over winter break. Recall that Venn Diagrams usually depict two overlapping circles upon which overlap represents commonalities between the two circles. Now, since there is no overlap in the above diagram, the appropriate inference is that it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to be truly happy unless I am playing Michael Jackson's Wii Dance Game (esp. Smooth Criminal). I mean, why else would one of my best friends and I spend a Friday night in to play it when we had multiple options for going out on the town in NYC? Answer: it is magically entertaining.
Now maybe you agree with the above conclusion, or maybe there is some other circumstance in your life that must happen in order for you to be happy...Think for a minute and try and fill in the following: I will be happy once I __________? ... get a promotion? Get married? Get to go on vacation? Have children? Get a job at a top 500 firm? Enter the 35% income tax bracket? Buy a house? Get a PhD or Masters? .... or something else?
For me, since returning back from winter break, I'll admit the answer has become "get an internship". The MBA program does a good job of brainwashing you the summer before you even start school to believe in the unspoken equation: Internship = Your only shot at a future = Happiness once you turn it into a full time job. This morning, I was so sure that I was on the road to securing an internship, until I got a call from a recruiter at a Company that I had a final round interview at last week. The result: My candidacy status is currently "on hold". Shortly thereafter, I learned that 6 of my classmates got offers at the same Company which is phenomenal news and I couldn't be happier for them! Although I was surprised I didn't get an offer, I was able to avoid feeling disappointed and upset by reflecting on Romans 8:28. This verse helped to remind me that God is sovereign, He understands the big picture, and ultimately things will work out...And just when I thought, ah ha! I'm growing in my faith and starting to understand all there is to know about being a Christian, God showed me an even BIGGER message later tonight, at Frontline Arlington: as Christians contentment shouldn't come from circumstances, instead contentment should be found in Christ (easier said than done). I've organized key points into below because I have to share the awesomeness that was this sermon.
One thing I didn't know....apparently the church of Philippi was under sick-nasty persecution... I'm talking evil. Check this out: Around 61 AD Emperor Nero was notorious for wrapping Christians in animal skins and feeding them to lions in front of a crowd. He also would tie Christians to stakes , light them on fire and mock Christianity saying "let now you be the light to the world". In spite of this all, Paul urged the church of Phillipi to be content. WOWZA.
DISCLAIMER: It's totes okay to grieve and cry when bad things happen. Heck, even Jesus wept when his friends were grieving loss of a loved one (John 11:32-35)...just remember there is contentment to be found that is independent of circumstances.
And on that note, it's time for bed!
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