A.) Meredith- wife
B.) Avery- assistant surgeon
C.) Christina- surgeon
D.) Derek - patient
If you're a hopeless romantic, maybe you'd choose A, Meredith... after all Meredith did kiss Derek before surgery and maybe that's what gave him the strength to fight for his life while unconscious. Or maybe you're actually in touch with reality and chose B, Avery...after all Avery removed the EKG machine from Derek's body, which tricked Mr. Clark into thinking Derek died and led Mr. Clark to leave the OR. Or perhaps you chose C, Christina... after all, Christina performed surgery to remove the bullet, Christina stopped Derek's blood loss, Christina repaired Derek's heart, and Christina's work enabled Derek's body to function on it's own again. Welp, the right answer is Christina. If you picked A, or B, I'm sorry to say but you are the weakest link. goodbye. Derek needed heart surgery in order to live. He didn't need a kiss to live and he didn't need Avery's wit to live. Christina provided him with what he needed in order to live. Now we didn't talk about option D, Derek, mainly because i'm 99.999% positive no one would choose the patient. But wait... if Derek never consented to have surgery (he was conscious at one point), the surgery wouldn't have taken place, and without surgery Derek would have bled to death. So did Derek in fact save his own life? No Tom Foolery, no! Derek just made a choice. Derek put forth no effort, he simply agreed to let Christina do the work necessary to save him. Thus, although Derek's consenting was necessary for his life to get saved, he didn't actually save his own life... do you see the difference?
You see, as ridiculous as it would be to say that Derek saved his own life, and Christina’s surgery was not necessary, it is way more ridiculous for someone to say that a person could save their own life in a sense of putting in effort and taking action as a means to earn a way into heaven. If you recall from prior posts, we talked about how it was through Jesus that we can have a relationship with God and the promise of eternal life. If we try and tell ourselves that we can do it all on our own, not only are we wrong and prideful, we are also diminishing the amazing work that Jesus already did for us…I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing! Galatians 2:21. In case you’ve forgotten, here’s a quick reminder of what Christ did and why it's important:
So now, all we need to do is consent (ie accept based on faith). And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. (Heb 11:6) Don’t let anyone or any place mislead you about Christianity. It’s not about what we do. It’s about what God has done on our behalf. We got into an accident and we woke up in an ambulance and the EMT told us that our life was being saved. If we choose to say no, the EMT will remove life support and we will die. If we choose to say yes we will live. Saying yes means we can spend eternity with God in heaven. I hear there will be no more suffering ,no more pain, and no more tears, so how could you not want that?
Oh and by the way, you might be wondering, “Well if I don’t have to go to church, follow the ten commandments, give to the poor, or be nice to my neighbor in order to get to heaven, then why should I bother to try and do any of these things? “. We’ll answer this question in our next post.
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