It's true though isn't it? I mean yes, figure skating is impressive. Triple salchows and quadruple axles are something I am 99.9% positive I will never be able to do in my life, and I'm okay with that. But that being said, there is something unsettling to me about watching a 'sport' that is so subjective. I like the idea that there is the potential for a skater in theory to achieve a perfect score, but I also dislike the fact that often times there is no clear winner. It's basically up to the discretion of some Canadians and Russians who in the past have been known to accept bribes and try and fix the outcome.
Football isn't like that. It's black and white. There are no ties (well almost never). There are no style points awarded to the Saints for the way Drew Brees spirals the football. There were no technical points awarded to the Steelers for the way Santonio Holmes magically lept into the air , caught the ball, and gracefully landed his tiptoes into the end-zone during the 2009 Superbowl. Scoring is instead very systematic, clear, and for the most part objective. Six points for a touch down, two for a safety, three for a field goal, etc.
This past year in football was particularly exciting because the Saints won their first ever Super Bowl. Although the Saints did walk away as champions, they did not have a perfect season. Overall, the Saints record for 2009-2010 was 13-3; 3-0. The only team in the NFL to have a perfect season was the 1972 Miami Dolphins who went 17-0. (14 regular season, 3 post season). The New England Patriots came close to matching this in 2007 when they went 16-0 in the regular season. However, the Patriots fell short when they lost to the Giants in the super bowl 14-17. The NFL has been around for 44 years, and only one team has had a 'perfect' season. WOW. That's pretty crazy. It must be pretty hard to achieve. But is that really perfect? Yes, the Patriots had a perfect regular season in the sense that they won all 16 games, but if we look at the individual games, was each game truly "without flaw or blemish, free from error" ?! I think the answer is a resounding HAILLLLLLL NO.
Okay, so maybe all 16 games weren't perfect, but was at least one game perfect? Was there at least one game when the Patriots had 100% completions, 100% for rushing, no turnovers, no false stars, no interceptions, no holding flags, and 0 points scored by the other team?! Hmmm, so no perfect game, but maybe there was a perfect player during one of the games? Someone who recorded perfect stats related to their particular position, and with no mistakes or turnovers of any kind? Sounds a little more plausible, but again probably very unlikely. So I think we can all agree it's really really tough to be perfect within four 15 minute quarters, even if when we use the term "perfect' we don't truly mean without error, but simply performing better relative to the surroundings.
Now think to your own life for a second. What do you think is the longest amount of time you have gone and remained "perfect' in a literal sense of being without flaw, blemish, or defect. Perfect in a sense where you did only things that were pleasing to God and nothing displeasing. Before you settle on an amount of time, remember that things considered displeasing to God , or more succinctly known as sin, aren't just major things such as murder or adultery. Failing to be perfect, could be as simple as stealing a pen from the office to use for personal use...or using a file sharing software to illegally download music...or watching free episodes of How I Met Your Mother from a sketchy non cbs.com or hulu.com website....or taking credit for when you receive a promotion, score a goal in soccer, negotiate a job offer, or complete a marathon...or being envious of your neighbors car, designer jeans, handbag, house, iphone, vacation home...or loving your parents, boyfriend/girlfriend , spouse, house, car, money, or anything else more so than you love God...or having lustful thoughts about someone....or cursing (it still counts if you do it in your head)....or speeding or any other form of breaking laws set in place by the government...or gossiping...or putting yourself before others...etc.
Okay, so what's the number you came up with?! Assuming we are talking about non-sleeping time, I think we'd all come up with around 5-10 minutes if we're being perfectly honest. Now what if I told you there was someone who came to this earth who was able to be perfect for a whole hour. What if I told you there was someone who led a perfect life for a whole day? What if I told you there was someone who led a perfect life for a whole week? What if I told you there was someone who led a perfect life for a whole month? What if I told you there was someone who led a perfect life for a whole year? What if I told you there was someone who led a perfect life for a whole lifetime?
You guys, the point is there was such a person! Jesus Christ roamed around on the earth for 33 years, and led a perfect life. He never sinned once, in-spite of the fact that he was tempted for 40 days and nights in the dessert by the devil. Jesus Christ was fully man, but he also had to be fully God. There is really no other logical or rational explanation for such a impossible task.
Football isn't like that. It's black and white. There are no ties (well almost never). There are no style points awarded to the Saints for the way Drew Brees spirals the football. There were no technical points awarded to the Steelers for the way Santonio Holmes magically lept into the air , caught the ball, and gracefully landed his tiptoes into the end-zone during the 2009 Superbowl. Scoring is instead very systematic, clear, and for the most part objective. Six points for a touch down, two for a safety, three for a field goal, etc.
This past year in football was particularly exciting because the Saints won their first ever Super Bowl. Although the Saints did walk away as champions, they did not have a perfect season. Overall, the Saints record for 2009-2010 was 13-3; 3-0. The only team in the NFL to have a perfect season was the 1972 Miami Dolphins who went 17-0. (14 regular season, 3 post season). The New England Patriots came close to matching this in 2007 when they went 16-0 in the regular season. However, the Patriots fell short when they lost to the Giants in the super bowl 14-17. The NFL has been around for 44 years, and only one team has had a 'perfect' season. WOW. That's pretty crazy. It must be pretty hard to achieve. But is that really perfect? Yes, the Patriots had a perfect regular season in the sense that they won all 16 games, but if we look at the individual games, was each game truly "without flaw or blemish, free from error" ?! I think the answer is a resounding HAILLLLLLL NO.
Okay, so maybe all 16 games weren't perfect, but was at least one game perfect? Was there at least one game when the Patriots had 100% completions, 100% for rushing, no turnovers, no false stars, no interceptions, no holding flags, and 0 points scored by the other team?! Hmmm, so no perfect game, but maybe there was a perfect player during one of the games? Someone who recorded perfect stats related to their particular position, and with no mistakes or turnovers of any kind? Sounds a little more plausible, but again probably very unlikely. So I think we can all agree it's really really tough to be perfect within four 15 minute quarters, even if when we use the term "perfect' we don't truly mean without error, but simply performing better relative to the surroundings.
Now think to your own life for a second. What do you think is the longest amount of time you have gone and remained "perfect' in a literal sense of being without flaw, blemish, or defect. Perfect in a sense where you did only things that were pleasing to God and nothing displeasing. Before you settle on an amount of time, remember that things considered displeasing to God , or more succinctly known as sin, aren't just major things such as murder or adultery. Failing to be perfect, could be as simple as stealing a pen from the office to use for personal use...or using a file sharing software to illegally download music...or watching free episodes of How I Met Your Mother from a sketchy non cbs.com or hulu.com website....or taking credit for when you receive a promotion, score a goal in soccer, negotiate a job offer, or complete a marathon...or being envious of your neighbors car, designer jeans, handbag, house, iphone, vacation home...or loving your parents, boyfriend/girlfriend , spouse, house, car, money, or anything else more so than you love God...or having lustful thoughts about someone....or cursing (it still counts if you do it in your head)....or speeding or any other form of breaking laws set in place by the government...or gossiping...or putting yourself before others...etc.
Okay, so what's the number you came up with?! Assuming we are talking about non-sleeping time, I think we'd all come up with around 5-10 minutes if we're being perfectly honest. Now what if I told you there was someone who came to this earth who was able to be perfect for a whole hour. What if I told you there was someone who led a perfect life for a whole day? What if I told you there was someone who led a perfect life for a whole week? What if I told you there was someone who led a perfect life for a whole month? What if I told you there was someone who led a perfect life for a whole year? What if I told you there was someone who led a perfect life for a whole lifetime?
You guys, the point is there was such a person! Jesus Christ roamed around on the earth for 33 years, and led a perfect life. He never sinned once, in-spite of the fact that he was tempted for 40 days and nights in the dessert by the devil. Jesus Christ was fully man, but he also had to be fully God. There is really no other logical or rational explanation for such a impossible task.
"He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth" (1 Peter 2:22)
"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weakness, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin" (Hebrews 4:15)
"Which one of you convicts me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me? " -Jesus (John 8:46)
"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him we might become the righteousness of God " (2 Corinthians 5:21).
"Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Matthew 5:48).... "I and the Father are one" - Jesus (John 10:33)
"For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form" (Colossians 2:9)
"Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation..." (Hebrews 5:8-9)
Hopefully now, you realize we have just unveiled another reason why we know Jesus was God. We know Jesus was God because he led a perfect life . Who DAT was perfect? JESUS.
SPOILER ALERT: In a future post, I will address why it was so important that Jesus was perfect. If you would like to have a hint as to what we will discuss check out the verse below:
"When anyone brings from the herd or flock a fellowship offering to the LORD to fulfill a special vow as a freewill offering, it must be without defect or blemish to be acceptable" (Leviticus 22:21).
this did not fit in the context of the blog, but I wanted to share it regardless.
ReplyDeleteWayne Spring, of Albany, Louisiana, made a bet with his friends that the Redskins would beat the undefeated Saints. Only weeks prior, the Redskins lost to the Detroit Lions, who previously hadn't won a game since December 2007. Unfortunately for this dude, the Redskins lost in overtime to the Saints, and his friends came over with shot guns to cash in on the bet (FYI , the bet was that if the Skins lost, his friends could literally shoot his 60 inch TV. video can be seen here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJzbIt37FVo
it's pricelss.
great blog chessy!