It's true. As much as I hate to admit it I have a crush on a 17 year old. Since his debut two years ago, I kept telling myself that I was just watching him on Ellen and listening to his music to see if he would succeed. Then, for my birthday this year, when I decided to do a Flash Mob to his hit "Somebody to Love" I rationalized it saying that I wanted people to laugh at the ridiculous song choice. It wasn't until earlier this week when I stopped denying my true feelings. It hit me like a ton of bricks when I found myself listening to his new Christmas CD!!! I normally NEVER listen to Christmas music or participate in anything having to do with Christmas until after Thanksgiving at the earliest.
But oh no, I just can't stop listening to MISLETOE. Best part of the song "I should be playing in the winter snow, but Imma be under the misletoe...with YOUUUUU , shawty with YOU with YOUUUUU, shawty with YOU".
Justin thinks I'm short???? (SIGH). He's amazing. It's no wonder he finally exceeded Lady Gaga in popularity, racking up over 2 billion YouTube hits. Oh and if you think I'm crazy for liking a 17 year old, and incorrectly try and label me as a Cougar or Puma (I'm not that old), just know that someone paid Ellen DeGeneres $40,000 to buy a lock of Justin's hair... just sayin.
Anyways, I think its safe to say that most girls will be really excited if they get Justin Bieber's CD for Christmas...But what about little boys? I don't think they will like Bieber even though this CD showcases his new manly/deep baritone voice. Personally, I think a great present for both boys and girls would be a new PLAYGROUND! Think about it. A playground would help kids stay active/healthy year round, and provide an endless source of fun/freedom!
In fact, I have the opportunity to travel with my church's Global Impact ministry to Assis, Brazil and build a NEW PLAYGROUND for kids this Christmas! Here are some details about the kids and how we will make this happen!
The Kids: The children of Assis are often affected by poverty, alcohol, drugs, and violence at young ages.
Gifts for Kids: We will be building a playground for the children of the community as well sharing the love of Christ with them in a Vacation Bible School setting, all culminating in a Christmas party for the kids! This playground will be a tangible gift that we leave behind for the Brazilian kids who have nothing but run-down homes and fields to play in.
Our Partner: Open Arms Brazil will be helping us build the playground. Their mission is to help shape a God-honoring, bright future for the children; a future that allows each child to overcome his present circumstances and be able to give back to his community while serving God. Open Arms Brazil is a not-for-profit, Christian organization dedicated to the physical, emotional, moral, academic and spiritual enrichment of children who live in under-served and forgotten neighborhoods of Brazil, neighborhoods with a high risk of violence, prostitution, drug and alcohol addiction, and abuse.
Cash Money: I need to raise $2,900 (These contributions are tax deductible and will cover travel, lodging, construction materials and other related trip expenses).
Sounds cool right? Well I'd like to ask you to consider donating money to the trip so that we can provide a memorable Christmas for these boys and girls! If you would like to make a financial contribution to this team, you can Donate online [at www.frontlinedc.com/globaldonate] Click on ‘Donate Here’ and follow the instructions. You may be asked to log in with a username and password but you will not be added to any mailing lists or promotional materials. Select ‘GI –Brazil (FLTY)’ and type in my name when it asks for a team member. Please cc: chessy.soccoli@gmail.com so I can track my online donations. If you choose to make an anonymous donation to the team you do not have to type a team member’s name, just type ‘General - anonymous’. All contributions are tax deductible. If the team is successful in raising our financial goal, all excess funds will be applied to either the needs directly related to the ministry of this trip or to fund additional outreach efforts within Impact Ministries.
Thanks so much!