Now, let's pretend for a second that US Weekly existed 2,000 years ago (hand painted on papyrus of course). The clear 'celebrity' of the time would be Jesus. I can just imagine the ad now.... Jesus, He's just like us! He sleeps on a cushion! He weeps when a loved one dies! He eats dinner with close friends! He prays to God the Father! He wears sandals!
Well yea when you put it that way, it appears Jesus was a human just like us... which he was ! However, once we really look into the matter we realize He is not like us in the sense that He was also fully God. We know He was God because He was able to conquer death! The celebrities mentioned above are impressive in the power they can exert...but it's not SUPER NATURAL power... it's power generated from money/fame...Okay, well maybe they do have some super natural power (re: Tiger Woods crushing a golf ball with the delicate swing of arms and hips, Michael Phelps ripping through the pool like a shark), but not this kind of power... Think about it. Jesus was DEAD. The roman soldier (an enemy) testified to this and it was proven when His side was pierced...then a period of 72 hours passed and Jesus ROSE from the dead. Not even the best doctor in the world could restore a patients life if they were dead for only 5 minutes. Jesus did this all without any help, without any EKG machines, without any drugs. Jesus was able to do it because He is God. He has power over death. Yes, he voluntarily chose to sacrifice himself on the cross and take on the punishment that we all deserve for our sins (death). But, He rose from the dead 3 days later and was seen walking around by over 500 witnesses. Folks, if this was some fabrication/conspiracy by Jesus's disciples they wouldn't have chosen Mary Magdalene as the person to find the tomb empty. They instead would have chosen a man because women weren't respected back in the day (i.e. women weren't allowed to serve as legal witnesses in Jewish courts of law).
The resurrection is essential to the Christian faith and here's why. Christ raising himself from the dead shows Jesus was God. If Jesus is God then it follows that He must have led a perfect life. If Jesus led a perfect life than his voluntarily death on the cross was a sufficient payment for our sins. (remember in the OT, animal sacrifices had to be without defect/blemish). If Jesus's death paid the penalty for our sins, then we have the option to no longer be separated from God. (remember Adam/Eve disobeying God in the garden caused us to be separated from God). If we are no longer separated from God, we can have a relationship with God. If we have a relationship with God we have acknowledged that Jesus is God, he died for our sins, and rose from the dead. He is our personal Lord and Savior. Once we acknowledge this we can be 100% confident that when we die, we will go to heaven and spend eternity with God. We will spend eternity with God not because of what we did, but because of what Christ did on our behalf. I'll leave you with this verse.
But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But each in his own turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him. 1 Corinthians 15:20-23
If for some reason you still think Jesus may have survived the crucifixion and not actually died the first time read this. If you would like to see evidence outside the Bible for the ressurection go here or here. Finally, if you want more biblical context around the ressurection go here.